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Astaria’s top 5 book recommendations for spiritual awakening

The following books have played a key role in my life as guides for my spiritual awakening. There are many many amazing books out there so it’s hard to choose only 5, however, these have been my favorites and books that I continue to return to.

The Gene Keys by Richard Rudd
This book is full of codes and is a living transmission. Every time I connect with it I receive new messages that pertain to my current reality. It’s a book that you read, contemplate, and trust that what you need comes through and integrates. Richard Rudd writes in such a beautyfull poetic way. When I first connected with this book, I didn’t quite understand the languaging and realize now that I wasn’t ready for it. I came back to it years later and was able to receive the messages with much more clarity and innerstanding.

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
I read this book on a bus while I was traveling through Southeast Asia in my mid-20s. I hadn’t spoken to my father in 7 years. Eckhart Tolle’s words helped me realize that forgiveness is for my own liberation from suffering. I had been harboring hatred in my being that was actually punishing myself. When I returned to Canada I reached out to my dad and we met up for the first time in a long while. I forgave the past in order to live more fully in the present. This experience was very liberating. Reading it, I’m sure you’ll receive medicine that will benefit your own life path.

The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz

“the real mission you have in life is to make yourself happy, and in order to be happy, you have to look at what you believe, the way you judge yourself, the way you victimize yourself”
This book was introduced to me by a beautyfull couple who demonstrated a kind of love I had never experienced before. They shared this book with me and said that they founded their union on these teachings. To live in love is a daily choice and it starts with loving your self first.

Anastasia: the Ringing Cedars Series by Vladimir Megre
I haven’t even read this whole series yet. When I opened the first book and read through the initial pages, I felt my soul stirring with so much resonance and inspiration that I had to put it down. It was overwhelming for me to see my soul mirrored in these pages. Since being a little girl, I’ve held a very vivid vision of living the way that Anastasia lives, in total harmony with the Earth. This story holds the keys for living a magical, harmonious life.

Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library by Barbara Marciniak

“Awaken, dear friends, within this dream and realize that it is your duty and responsibility as human beings to imagine and visualize a safe world. It will be as you decree, and your own experience will thus reflect it.” — The Pleiadians
I listened to the audio of this book during the time of my biggest soul initiation and spiritual awakening. It helped me to understand my soul lineage and to recognize that we all come here with a mission. It inspired me to connect with my life purpose in deeper ways.

Droplets of Inspiration

Sounds from Astaria Light are truly something worth making the time for. Sound healing is quite new to my life, and when I had my first taste of a sound journey I was hooked. I felt a great sense of relaxation at its purest… deep meditation, vivid visuals, soothing the body muscles. Think of a sound healing session as a tune-up for your body, something we need more of these days.

Nature’s Chef, Tom Kral

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