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Light Language Activation

Light Language is an empowering expressive technology for harmonizing energy in our body, mind, and spirit.

It can be used to clear your energy and cultivate presence, as well as manifest your prayers.

Light Language is a non-linear multidimensional form of communication. Light is a carrier of information and Light Language holds the keycodes or information of healing, empowerment, and awakening. It can be channeled from many different energies, Galactic realms, Elemental ancient or future Earth languages, beings of light, etc. It bypasses the mental constructs and speaks to the heart, which is our center of connection. We FEEL light language, more than understand it mentally.

Translations are not always linear. What do you SENSE when receiving? We experience light language by attuning to the subtle realms of sensation. You can learn your natural intuitive language by consciously connecting with the subtle realms of feeling.

Light Language frequencies are direct transmissions of light codes that are shared with the intention of bringing through specific vibrations for serving the highest good of all who are receiving.

It works similarly to Reiki… It’s an intelligent energy that moves through vibration and often sounds like language, but instead of words, the frequencies are expressed through vibrational symbols and sacred geometry.

Light language is a gift not just for yourself… it can be channeled directly for nature, loved ones, or clients you are in service to, as a way to connect with their highest self and share the codes that are relevant to their empowerment at the moment.

Light Language can be sung, spoken, moved, written, or expressed through a variety of artistic mediums.

To explore the scope of your personal light language, be sure to connect with Astaria.

I want to activate my light language

light language activation

Light Language may benefit your life by:

Clearing energy 
Balancing chakras
Activating dormant systems
Aligning with vibrations of well-being
Expanding perception and deepening awareness
Activating innate spiritual or psychic gifts
Grounding confidence, truth, clarity of purpose
Harmonizing polarities within and beyond ourselves

If you want to understand the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.

– Nikola Tesla

Light Language Activation Package

5 Session Activation Package to unlock your unique soul light language

*available in person or virtually

Are you ready to free your original language and speak codes of light? This activation package is for you.

The Language of Light is also called the Language of Creation/Source/God/Love/Soul/Grace.

Session 1 INTRO
You will connect with your intentions and learn how to drop into a flow state. Set aside your ego and open your channel so that you can allow the codes of light to express through you.

Session 2 SCRIBE
You will develop a writing practice to allow a stream of consciousness to land on the page.

Session 3 MOVE
We will explore, practice, and play, integrating and embodying your light language as you discover the joy of free-flow moving expression.

Session 4 SOUND
You will activate your rainbow body and lay out your vocal colour pallette so that you have easy access to a variety of sounds that you can create with.

Session 5 HEAL & SHARE
Discover the power of being able to send healing energy through your Light Language expression. Give healing energy to yourself and others.

I want to express the language of light

Listen to a short sample of light language:

Included in this package are recorded sessions, guided audio activation, and a vocal colour pallette chart to support your activation

I want to activate my Light Language

the investment into activating your Light Language

$555USD is the investment into this powerfull journey.

this experience includes

● 5 live 1-1 personal activation sessions, held over Zoom or in-person (sessions are between 1-1.5 hours)
● Recordings of all live sessions so that you can refer back to any key points
● A private Telegram connection space where you can receive support in between sessions

Everyone’s soul language is unique. Be open to receive the codes of light that are written within your DNA and be amazed at what you will discover here.

Meet your Guidess

Astaria is a Voice Midwife, Sound Alchemist, and Creativity Catalyst.
She is certified as a Sound Healing Practitioner, Reiki Master, Shamanic Medicine Practitioner, Vocal Activation Coach, and trained Counsellor.

Through Shamanic voice retrieval, she assists those who have been disconnected from their expression, silenced by trauma and patriarchal programming, to reclaim their birthright to be all of who they are with courage and confidence. She guides people to embody their most authentic nature, liberating the full spectrum of their energetic signature. She inspires the emergence of creativity and the sharing of our unique soul gifts.

Astaria facilitates safely supported experiences for clients to dive deep into their healing journey, awaken truth, and connect with their authentic expression.

After spending a large part of her life in silence, she reached a point when she could no longer hold back her voice. She underwent a series of initiations and dark nights of the soul in order to reclaim her voice and remember who she is. Since learning how to heal herself, she has been sharing the medicine she’s cultivated with others, to empower the freedom of expression in those who are ready to share their gifts.

She knows that all beings have a unique voice to share and she empowers this voice into freedom by offering the techniques that she has learned along her throat chakra healing journey.

Astaria has been using Light Language since 2014 as a tool for her personal liberation and for others to discover their true essence.

I look forward to hearing you

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Costa Rica Sound Healing Music Medicine Ceremony Voice Coaching Astaria Light of Sound

Droplets of Inspiration

I had the bounty and pleasure of receiving a sound healing session with Astaria. At first I was apprehensive, as I didn’t think sound vibrations could do much for healing. But by the end, my mind was changed. Astaria left me not only at peace and feeling great, but my mind had also opened up to my inner child. Her sound healing took me on a journey through my childhood and I was able to see where many limiting beliefs that currently plague my adult life had taken root. If you’re looking for a unique and alternative method of healing, then I highly recommend Astaria. She’s a rare and talented gem and her services provide great succor to the broken-hearted and a healing balm to the mentally downtrodden.”

Eric Harper

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